Have you surrendered to Black Magic yet?

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Black is beautiful. Well, the beauty of black is simply indisputable. A fair maiden in a figure complimenting black knee length dress is an ethereal sight. Earlier mainly used as a colour of mourning, black dress shot to fame after Audrey Hepburn wore a little black dress in the 1954 movie Sabrina. Today a little black dress is considered to be an indispensable part of a women’s wardrobe. The flexibility to easily combine black with any other colour is its greatest benefit. A simple black dress could be easily transformed into an evening dress with an slight interplay of diamond accessories, stilettos and long gloves. It can also be paired with a black suit jacket, demure accessories and simple pumps. The same could also make a great daytime business meeting dress. A black is a neutral colour and doesn’t catch the attention easily.

You could easily wear a black dress three days in a weak in different combinations and rouse the least suspicion. The other greatest advantage of the colour black is that it can easily camouflage dirt and stains and you need not worry about them being easily noticed. In fact, it is not just the accessories like earrings, necklaces, bracelets, purses, hair bands etc., but you also use your jackets, sweaters, shirts, scarves, shrugs, and shawls as accessories to brew a new fashion statement. You can comfortably top a sweatshirt, sweater to shirt over your little black dress to brew up a new fashion statement effortlessly and without bothering about the looks. In fact, the possibilities available are so vast that sky is actually the limit. For more information,log on toBLACK DRESS.

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