Get Indexed by Search Engines in a Week

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Chris Connors Contrary to all beliefs, you can get listed in search engines very fast, provided you follow the right guidelines.

You can get indexed by Yahoo MSN search engines within a week. Getting listed in Google is tougher and takes a longer duration but following the right steps will help you get there faster. First, I will discuss the steps to get listed in Yahoo and MSN within a week. To do this, you need to have a RSS feed for your website or blog. If you don’t make one right now. Do a search to find out how to create one. Its really quite simple. RSS feeds are going to be a powerful tool for internet marketing, at least in the near future. Ok lets get back to the original topic. Once you have a RSS feed, 90% of your work is done. Now you have to go to your My Yahoo and My MSN accounts. You will find a link saying “Add Content” after logging in. In the search box, copy the link of your RSS feed and search for it. Once Yahoo/MSN retrieves your feed, just add it to your account. And that’s about it. Within a week’s time Yahoo and MSN will send their feed crawlers looking for the fresh feed that you just added to your account. And unlike Google, they crawl your website along with the feed. Voila, you just got noticed and indexed by Yahoo and MSN. Simple and effective. Getting listed with Google is a longer process but you can still do a few things to hasten it. The first step is to create a blog for your website. Use Blogger to create one and start making regular posts to it. But how will this help you get indexed in Google quickly? This is what you need to do. Every time you make a post you need to ping blog directories to let them know about the updated content. Don’t be scared – it’s pretty easy. Go to , fill in a few details as required and you are done pinging. Repeat this exercise with every new post. Every time you use pingomatic, it informs various popular blog directories about your new activity.

Search engines love fresh content and this activity helps them pick up blogs with new content. I have got sites indexed within 2 days in Google – but that was when I got quite excited about a new site and submitted 10 news posts in the first day itself. I have had fairly good success in getting my websites indexed quickly using the steps mentioned above. Blogs and RSS are tools which you can use time and again to get indexed and good search engine rankings.

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