New Internet Marketing Experts In Asia

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In recent years, Asia has developed to become one of the foremost internet marketing boom areas, particularly in Singapore and Malaysia. As more and more events take off in this part of the world, outstanding internet marketers are starting to blaze the trail and offer marketers in the USA, UK and Europe opportunities for joint ventures and other work. For instance, Vince Tan, a Malaysian, was previously unknown until the launch of Keyword Anywhere tool that has caught the imagination of the internet marketing community through its killer application. Vince works with a more prominent internet strategist, Kelvin Hui. Gobala Krishnan, another Malaysian, who was also formerly unknown until the development of the Easy WordPress System that also proliferated the internet with its step-by-step approach to blogging. Joesph Then, a fairly experienced internet marketer, who has not yet been known in Singapore but has a thriving business there, also runs several online businesses and is armed with over 6 years of actual experience. Jaz Lai is a new addition to the Singapore team of internet marketers. His claim to fame is in network marketing online, and has fascinating ways to build a list online. These are five figure a month internet marketers, and it is likely that before the end of this year, six-figure income marketers will be created in the heartlands of Asia.

The community effort is now being forged at and all marketers are invited to beta test the platform. With more opportunities to network, there will most definitely be a greater number of join ventures and more money to be made. To update the list of top internet marketers in Asia, please go to

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