SEO Tips and Strategies

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SEO Tips Strategies

Getting started:

Choosing a Domain Name

When choosing a domain name keep in mind to include your main keyword in the name.

If your main keyword was Replica Watches then you would want a domain name like

Using the Right Keywords

Using longer keyword phrases are generally alot easier to rank with and usually convert better.

How many should i use?

When performing SEO, try to optimize each page for a maximum of 5 keywords.

Meta Tags

Title Tag

Many search engines over look most meta-tags, but alot still recognize the title tag. Try to include your most important keywords at the begining of the title, this will increase its prominence.

When optimizing the title tag, get straight to the point.

Dont include stop words like to, a, an, as, in, etc… Search Engine Spiders overlook these words and including them really just decreases your keywords weight in the tag.

Description Tag

The description-tag is still in use by some search engines. Try to explain the pages content in one sentence. This tag still shows up in some engines, so try to make the tag read good and catch someones eyes.

Keywords Tag

Many engines overlook this tag, try to place your 3-4 main keywords here.

On-Page Search Engine Optimization Strategies

H1, H2, H3 Tags

Try to break your pages up into paragraphs, using one keyword rich H1 tag on the page preferably at the most imortant area of the page.

Minor paragraphs should be broken up by desriptive keyword rich H2 tags. Try to include some H3 tags when possible.

Internal Links

Try to interlink your pages using keyword rich anchor text. To make it easy and with out much sacrafice to the look of your page you can use bread crumb navigation, like Home  SEO Services

IMG Alt Tags

Try to include desriptive IMG Alt Tags whenever possible. Please remember when someone hovers over the image this text will be displayed, so make it readable.

Body Area
Its a very good idea when SEO Optimizing a page to include your main keywords at the begining and the end of the body text. Try to include your keywords in this area a decent amount, but with out sounding robotic. Its a good SEO Stragtegy to break up the body text with Header tags like explained above. The body area should contain 300 – 1300 words Try to include variations of your main keyword or keyword phrases also. Writing in a natural sounding way is very important.

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